Line breaks help break up your content so the reader has an easier time navigating through your points. It makes the page look cleaner, and will help to increase the time spent on your page as the information doesn’t look as daunting to read through.
Below I outline how to add line breaks to blog posts with CSS and a little coding. Don’t be scared, it’s really easy!
Step 1: Go to your WordPress Dashboard and find your Custom CSS area
(usually under Appearance, Customize, Custom CSS) and copy this code:
border-top: 1px solid #000000;
padding: 2%;
You only have to do this once! And then it’s there forever unless you decide to switch things up!
Step 2: Format it Accordingly
You can change the size where it says px, or the color after the # to match your theme, and can switch up the padding as well.
Step 3: Copy the Code Below in Your Post
This code will go into the text section of your WordPress post’s wherever you’d like to add a line break:
<div class=”line-break”></div>
I keep this code in my sticky notes on my desktop so I can quickly copy and paste it into my posts as needed. I usually add line breaks right before I publish a post to break up the final version of my content.
See! That wasn’t so bad was it? It’s a small step that can make a big difference. Once you’ve added the CSS formatting, all you have to do is post that small line of code whenever you want to increase readability!
I hope this helped you figure out how to add line breaks to blog posts. If you have any questions, please ask away! I highly recommend checking out the post below for more tips to make your life easier when it comes to blog posts!
Thank you! I’m in the process of setting up my blog and we have the same theme, so this advice was much needed for a technologically challenged individual like me! I am still trying to understand how everything works and have been struggling to squeeze writing time in as I’m volunteering full time.
I am crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to launch my blog in the new year.
Keep up the incredible work
Thank you so much Stavvy! Glad it was helpful! If there is anything else you get stuck on, let me know 🙂 Good luck with the launch!
Thank you! I’m in the process of setting up my blog and we have the same theme, so this advice was much needed for a technologically challenged individual like me! I am still trying to understand how everything works and have been struggling to squeeze writing time in as I’m volunteering full time.
I am crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to launch my blog in the new year.
Keep up the incredible work
Thank you so much Stavvy! Glad it was helpful! If there is anything else you get stuck on, let me know 🙂 Good luck with the launch!